Tuesday, November 24, 2015

20020503 Winnamucca NV

We checked out of the motel and ate breakfast at the Griddle House in Winnemucca NV. I had french toast with coconut (very good) and Mary Harriett had eggs florentine. We were about ready to leave town when we stopped to watch a helicopter rescue demonstration put on for the benefit of the EMT convention in town. Quite something to watch that pallet with a person strapped to it and the medic being pulled up to the helicopter. We drove north through high desert. We even saw some sand dunes. Mary Harriett stopped to get out and feel the sand. It was just like you’d find at Moody Beach, ME. We turned off on Rt 140 and went through more high desert. We did see a prong horn deer just laying near the road. We had to back up to take his picture. We crossed into Oregon, but the scenery didn’t change. Finally we came to a downgrade - the kind Mary Harriett doesn’t like to drive down. The road was carved out of the side of a mountain, a 3-mile 8% grade. But, we made it. There are long stretches of road with very little vegetation and we can see for miles in all directions. We finally got to a more fertile part of the country and stopped in Lakeview, at Jerry’s for lunch. We pushed on to Klamath Falls OR to find a place for the night which wound up to be the Super 8. We ate at Mollie’s next door and did our laundry. Apparently the truckers stay here and even with two sets of washers and dryers, Mary Harriett had to wait to get our stuff washed and dried. We played the Mystery Rhummy Game, too.

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